Live with Purpose Coaching

Becoming the Dumbest Person in the Office – 2.0

Our very own Joe Sharp published a blog in October of 2009 titled ‘The Power of Becoming the Dumbest Person in the Office.’ In his blog, humility and “teachability” are identified as key ingredients in developing as a successful leader and business owner. This theme was also covered in Chapter Five of his book, Running Down Your Dreams.

From the perspective of an entrepreneur or business manager, embracing humility is a standard with which to strive for, many times resulting in a team that’s generally more devoted to their work. A team that is true to its mission and committed to diligence draws its attitude from the top and whatever is projected from its leadership, whether good or bad, tends to trickle down to each member of the team. This is the role of the leader: to set the “corporate tone,” establish and maintain the organization’s mission through word and deed, and to encourage and elevate his/her team. So, if the leader dictates the pace, what role should the other team members assume?

 Humble is as humble does

There should be no limit to the amount of humility your team exudes. True, we often say at Live With Purpose Coaching that humility is the #1 trait that we look to maximize in our clients, who tend to be leaders, but the more humble personalities in your office, the better! Nothing makes your group’s processes more fluid, efficient, and productive than a team of truly humble employees. Humility breeds things like clear communication, unobstructed collaboration, and the ability to take direction. It also ultimately results in freedom of various forms because those who are humble are often resistant to dissension and division, ills that can wreak havoc on a team. Humility is, from top to bottom, the most desired attribute for your team to function at the highest level possible.

Understanding Authority

A critical component of every high-performing and cohesive team is an allegiance and respect for authority. Not only is this a biblical principle but it’s a principle that typically results in a well balanced team. When there is a respect for authority, there is rarely animosity and/or “corporate mutiny.”  We’re deliberately called by God to submit to our authorities because out of the act of “submission” flows big Kingdom variables like obedience and righteousness. Even in a secular office setting, it’s hard to argue that respect for one’s leader or authority figure isn’t constructive. Below are a few reasons why respecting those above you is the first step, collectively, to a successful team.

1). It fosters team-wide trust – with everyone on your team in a position of contentment with their post, a higher level of trust will be enjoyed by the team.

2). It allows for more direct (and many times clearer) communication – without the confusion caused by bad competition and selfish ambition, the communication channels are freer and clearer.

3). It more often leads to promotion (from God and your boss) – Although I do not have statistics to back this up, it’s very likely that employees who contribute to team unity (as opposed to division) are more often promoted.

4.) According to scripture, it’s pleasing in God’s sight – There are countless biblical references to submitting to our authorities, each time being linked to obedience and order.

5.) It’s honorable – Projecting honor unto your superiors, and everyone else around you for that matter, is always a good idea.

Understanding that the office is a “body with many members.”

Entrepreneurs (business owners) have a unique skill set. They are the risk takers of the team, and more so than not the ones that assume the responsibility of incurring that risk. They are very much needed for every good team and arguably they’re the most prized commodity (we compared entrepreneurs to apostles in a recent two-part blog series – Part 1Part 2).

“It is imperative that you [entrepreneurs] not only know your weaknesses, but that you surround yourself with people that can continually handle those areas more effectively by applying their natural gifts and unique abilities.” Joe Sharp – pg. 31 – Running Down Your Dreams

A team is comprised of specialists, each with a set of gifts and unique abilities. It’s similar to that of the body of Christ. In order to function to the best of its ability, each specialist, with the guidance of the leader/entrepreneur, contributes their piece of the overall product or service. This doesn’t mean that we all can’t be versatile, in fact specialists that learn to become increasingly versatile add value to the team and themselves. As a whole, understanding the principle of the “body with many members” and applying it as an employee will help you add value to your team, embrace humility and authority, and help you to better understand your talents and passions.

 Coming soon…

Joe Sharp’s Running Down Your Dreams is coming soon to Audio Book! Check our blog and Facebook page for updates!

Joe D’Orsie – Communications & Spiritual Life Counsel