Live with Purpose Coaching

New Year’s Accountability

OK, it’s that time of the year folks. New Year’s resolutions. Ugh. I totally get it on one level, but I’d like to trump that thinking with a different set of logic.

Resolutions have as much power as the UN General Assembly, or Congress it seems these days. Nada.

Here’s what I think and so does a guy who I really respect. Alan Weiss outlined these points in a recent “memo” and I’m giving him all the credit.

How about New Year’s Accountability? This is much more powerful if you follow the logic.


Plan to have a great time and relish in it; don’t feel guilty about it. You can help others best when you yourself are whole. Always put your own oxygen mask on first.

As you review the list again you’ll see very little about doing. It’s more about becoming. We each have a calling in our life and it starts with looking inward and understanding the gift of life and the freedom that comes from walking in that gift. Each of us has at least one passion. Pursue that passion in 2016. Don’t make it about a checklist. Make it about relationship. God knows – that’s how He created us to live.

Zeal is a word of choice.  It will set you apart. Live life with Zeal and enjoy the ride.

Steve Adams

Sr. Business & Life Coach, Board Chairman & Entrepreneur