Live with Purpose Coaching

Packaging Your Wisdom to Increase Sales!

If you said “yes” to any of the above questions keep reading…

  • Are you finding that you have more competition than ever when competing for sales?

  • Do you want to find ways to stand out from your competition and increase your closing percentage?
  • Do you want better results from your marketing programs and/or materials?
  • Would you like to learn an approach that has evaporated competition for other firms?

Many times, I find companies only look at improving their sales and marketing programs when business is booming and cash-flow is strong. It is ironic, then, that although these organizations have cash to spend and aspirations for improvement, they become distracted and pulled in too many directions to really focus on what matters. Now, if you’re thinking this article is going to be some sales pitch on why you should hire an ad agency or marketing firm to update all of your marketing materials when you could be facing cash flow problems, you are dead wrong! Marketing is important, and we will discuss this. However, what I want you to consider is a whole new way to revolutionize your sales strategy, how you package the unique wisdom of your firm and how you position yourself in the marketplace to blow away your competition. I am going to help you walk the bridge between sales and marketing and see how they link together.

Following are a few fundamental changes you can make to your process that in my experience, will set-up your firm to thrive in any economic climate. Unfortunately, many firms wait to learn this in a recessive market. But moving forward, my goal is to help you position your firm in a way that stands out even more in a down market. So let’s get into the details.

Is your firm positioned uniquely enough that you actually stand out more and have a better closing rate, even in a down economy? If so, then you probably already have a lot of these ideas in place. But there is always room for improvement. As an example, my firm operated for several years with none of these systems in place and then implemented a first and second version of this approach, with the second improving upon the initial attempt. Now, we are looking to launch version “3.0” in 2010 based upon 2008/2009 client feedback. This is what will happen if a company is truly committed to ensuring their future distinction and success. Your clients will be your greatest teachers if you continually commit resources to this process and continue to cultivate an improvement strategy. The benefits for our firm have included ROI improvement through workflow efficiency, a consistent improvement of closing rates and an increase in the amount we have been able to charge for services and discovery consulting ( our “monkey’s paw”). Implementation of these processes has made our client experiences stronger, and our new 2010 enhancements will further improve efficiency and customer experiences.

You probably don’t have the issues my firm had about 7-8 years ago, and I wouldn’t assume you waste company time and resources with free proposals. I also doubt you can see areas for improvement in your marketing programs to increase sales closing and lead generation effectiveness (you’re probably getting an abundance of leads that are being closed at an even better rate than last year). In addition, there is clearly a lot more that could be said about a number of sales and marketing topics, and I plan to further explore them over time. In the meantime, I welcome any questions you may have about how the aforementioned processes could be applied to your specific business model.

I help my coaching clients focus on matters like these so they can see their business become more efficient, profitable and scalable, if desired. I also help them achieve better balance professionally and personally so they can see their business truly work to support their life purpose and vision. If you want to find out more about how this could be leveraged in your world, or if you want to discuss a business problem you are facing, feel free to contact me or call me personally at 717-615-2274. You are also welcome to share this article or other resources found on my blog ( with those you care about. Feel free to contact me if you or an associate would like to join my blog or receive this article as a PDF.

God bless,