Live with Purpose Coaching

Why is the (WHY) so Important For Your Businesses Future?

Are you really clear on why you do what you do in life both professionally and personally?

This summer, I have had coaching sessions and offsite hiking coaching retreats with several of my coaching clients around the globe, and have been helping them answer a common question: What is the WHY behind your dream, your goal or your future?

I found so many conversations ending up at this same place, even if I didn’t intentionally set out to go there with the person. Many people dream. Many people have businesses or dream of starting one. Many people also have NOT though about the reason WHY they want to do it.

Starting there and having a powerful reason why will help you maintain a powerful focus that can allow you to live life with a constant passion. It can be the driving internal change agent that encourages the best of oneself to be poured out into the world. It is where legacies are launched.  Lives of deep purpose and fulfillment are born here. Many times people stall out when it seems like the not so fun part of pursuing a dream. It seems mundane to them, an exercise that is simply slowing them down from running after their dreams. Worse yet, others don’t want to own their friends to the fact that their dreams are being launched from a place of selfish ambition and self-centered agendas. Chasing the American Dream with a self centered focus means your WHY doesn’t come from a motive or intention that lines up with an outward, heavenly focused agenda.

If your WHY helps make the world a more beautiful place, is focused on creating positive, then you are on the right path for the dreams that you are pursuing!

A Powerful Question

I recently found a new concept from Dan Sullivan’s Strategic Coach®. It was one powerful question that I want to share with you now:

What is the SINGLE FOCUS and ACTIVITY that would keep you absolutely fascinated and motivated for the rest of your life?

It is a tough question for many people to answer. If you have a hard time with it, that is ok. Wrestle with it. Come back to it over time. Pray about it and ask God to help you find the answer. Ask those that know you best help you answer it. There are many reasons why people don’t believe they can answer this question. They feel like it is impossible for them to live their life this way, with one passionate, single focus or activity that would keep them fascinated and motivated for the rest of their life.

Some of the reasons people don’t live this way include fear, not building confidence in others, habits, an unwillingness to let go, a busy pace of life, etc. However, all great leaders and companies have started as dreams. Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright Brothers are great examples of companies or people who had a powerful WHY driving them. Below is a video from Simon Sinek that takes this concept further. I highly encourage you take a few minutes to watch it:

The Golden Circle – Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action:

I take my coaching clients to engaging off-site locations to help them right their “Stage 2 You Story” to help them develop or clarify their calling in life. I am passionate about helping people and businesses live and operate in a deep and meaningful way. I am excited to compel people towards the abundant life I believe God is calling us all to. If you want to tell me more about your story, I would love for you to contact me.

People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it! What is your WHY? What is the real story behind your story that is driving you forward in life?

God bless,Joe

*I help my coaching clients focus on important life lessons like these so they can achieve better balance both personally and professionally. If you’d like to find out more about my life coaching company, Live With Purpose Coaching, feel free to contact me at (717) 283-2377.