Spirit Wars – A Review
February 6, 2014
Spirit Wars- ‘Winning the Invisible Battle against Sin and the Enemy’- Kris Vallatton
This book has so many memorable quotes and paradigm shifting truths that you may want to have a pen and pad handy! It’s a top 10 selection for readers who wish to uncover their true identity and have a greater understanding of how spiritual warfare works.
The church must hear and comprehend this message in order to become fully alive.
Grade- A
Some tidbits:
The Kingdom of Darkness’ best kept secret: In Paul’s words, “I am no longer doing it, but sin which dwells in me.” (Romans 7:17) Keeping Christians in the dark with this fact about sin is a ploy that’s overused by the Kingdom of Darkness, but unfortunately highly effective. Paul’s point in Romans 7 is that the flesh and the Spirit are so very separate and voluntary membership to ‘the way of flesh’ countermands the presence and purpose of the Spirit!
“If we believe we are sinners, we will continue to sin.” Pg. 43
“Fear is the most socially excepted sin the Church.” – 62
Point taken! We should never agree with sin or even compromise for the sake of it, but fear, according to Vallotton, is accepted and sometimes even reinforced in the Church! Elements of fear can manifest through stress and anxiety (often times regarded as “normal”) and many chronic illnesses are even linked to the effects of fear.
Temptation vs. Sin
A very important biblical truth that is many times squandered and mismanaged is temptation and its relation to sin. They are not one in the same! The Bible says to endure temptation (which means it’s possible) and that temptation, or desire, must first be conceived and then born to be sin.
(see James 1:12-18)
“Temptation becomes a sin when you agree with the suggestion instead of resisting it.” – 72
What Kingdom do you subscribe to?
Talking particularly about prayer, Vallotton encourages readers to exercise the authority that is characteristic of Heaven, not of earth. Jesus, when teaching his disciples HOW to pray instructs them to declare and proclaim things that are characteristic of Heaven, and they will therefore be so on earth. Believing that you have access to Heaven is half the battle!
“Earthly seating creates reactionary prayers” – Pg. 123
-Joe D’Orsie – Communications & Spiritual Life Counsel