The Women Men Should Embrace

 Are you interested in being reminded about the type of woman who holds true beauty?

 I am reminded of what our nation honored not so long ago. The picture of this woman is well known from several decades go – Audry Hepburn. I chose her because she was someone who was in the spotlight and garnered a lot of public scrutiny. However, what was captured and thus conveyed by media and the world  then was full of purity, modesty and true beauty.

Today our world is flipped upside down when it comes to marriage, love, attraction and sexuality. At best, many people (married or single) can’t see clearly and are desperately searching for their glasses so their true sight can be restored. I, for one, burn to see the hearts of our society become radically transformed so we value what we used to. In doing so we could see the relationships of the world changed in a wonderful way. This poem I share to encourage you this day that you may become a part of that change!


The Women Men Should Embrace

– Far too many women today are believing a lie,
– Worse yet many of them are living out the lie,
– Many times the bait women use to physically attract men isn’t godly,
– Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised,
– A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout,
– Don’t take your cues from magazines or the misguided prompts of media,
– Reality TV lacks the reality of all genuine truth,
– The truth that can lead you to live joyful, peaceful, fulfilled and fully content,
– Unfortunately men in today’s age reinforce the wrong things in female beauty,
– Women let your virtue and spiritual beauty be what a man embraces,
– A wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands,
– Those who follow the right path fear the Lord,
– The woman of true beauty is modest, energetic, strong and a hard-worker,
– She always offers a helping hand to the poor,
– Her arms remain open at all times to the needy,
– A gracious woman gains respect,
– By valuing and dressing modestly she impacts generations of men,
– When she doesn’t, she entices married men and fuels lustfulness in single men who become snared,
– Modesty is one of the greatest blessings a woman can offer to all men,
– It encourages faithfulness, loyalty, trust, honor and unconditional love that lasts,
– She embodies the type of woman men should embrace.

So if you are a woman reading this, what do you see when you look within yourself? If you are a man, are your eyes respecting, encouraging and honoring women of true beauty?



*I help my coaching clients focus on important life lessons like these so they can achieve better balance both personally and professionally. If you’d like to find out more about my life coaching company, Live With Purpose Coaching, feel free to contact me at (717) 283-2377.